Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles


In the blink of an eye, the distance shortens between the two groups.

And as that distance shortens, one can see how gigantic the beasts are.

“Amazing, so huge….”

“Can, can we even kill those things?……”

The Adernians who have never seen such beasts before are being overwhelmed.

The beasts are completely controlling the atmosphere of the battlefield.

“Don’t get flustered, these are, after all, just beasts! Our spears are enough to kill them!!”

“You’re right, captain!!”

“As expected of captain!!”

The captain raises his spear over his head and charges at the elephants.

However, let’s just say that’s a little reckless.

The beasts can run at a speed of 40km per hour while having a body weight of up to around 15 tons.

A human can’t protect himself from an assault from this beast.


While making such a sound, the officer gets stepped on.

What’s left after is a pool of red.

“Wha, what in the world! Monsters!!”

“Hiii, save me!!”


In an instant, the soldiers in the front lines fall into panic.



The battle slaves which were being pushed back just a few moments ago, as if given new life, are now the ones on the assault.

The front lines, which had lapsed into disorder by the elephants’ attack, had no means of stopping the assault.

“This is bad, huh. If this keeps up, the formation will collapse.”

Bartolo looks at the raging monsters…….the elephants from a distance.

Naturally, even Bartolo hasn’t seen nor heard of one.

And it follows that he doesn’t know of any countermeasures against them. However…….

“Contact General Tonino. Tell him I’ll leave overall command to him. I’ll go and support the front lines!!”

Bartolo immediately kicks the horse’s abdomen and heads for the elephants as soon as he said his message.

He then shouts loudly:

“Calm down men!! Don’t challenge them head on. Attack from the sides and the rear! Bowmen! Shoot down those guys riding on top of the beasts!!”

Thanks to his presense, the front lines begins to slowly reform.

His men begin to do as he says, piercing the beasts with their spears not from the front, but from the sides and rear.


A bunch of elephants go into a frenzy.

Then, to escape from the rain of spears, they try to turn back towards the direction they came from.

However, their handlers won’t let them do just that.

“This is the right time, huh. Let them.

The elephant handlers strike nails prodded against the vitals of the elephants strongly with hammers.

The nails deeply pierce the beasts’ vitals causing them to die.

Seeing several beasts fall, the United Army once again gets filled with morale and begin assaulting the other beasts one by one.

Once more, the tide of the battle leans on the United Army’s favor.

“Now, Gentlemen! It’s finally our turn. All units, begin attack!!”

Curio kicks the stomach of the Kuryuu with great force. The Kuryuu then heads for the center of the United Army at full speed.

His subordinate Gallians follow him.

“Die!! Ahahahahahahahah!!!”

He swings around a huge sword as long as the length of his body and begins cutting down the United Army’s soldiers sending them flying.

The Gallian soldiers behind him follow suit mowing down the United Army’s soldiers.

If the United Army were in perfect condition, then this assault would probably have failed.

However, they were bogged down by the 5,000 battle slaves and their formation had been destroyed by the elephants.

Even a huge and firm wall will easily collapse if you hit it with a wooden hammer everyday.

The Rozel Army under Curio’s command pushes into the United Army gradually piercing through.

……..However, Bartolo is not one to take that standing by.

“Second Formation! It’s your turn! Hold back the Rozel Army!!”

At the same time as General Tonino’s order, the Elite Regiment that had been held in reserve enter the battlefield.

It’s a regiment comprising only of elite soldiers from both the Rosyth and DeMorgal Armies.

It’s their trump card against Curio.

“Oh? Aren’t we lively today. This will be one hell of a fight!!”

A huge happy smile floats on Curio’s face as he swings around his huge sword. Each stroke sends soldiers flying causing a rain of blood.

Curio is dripping wet with blood. Naturally, it’s the blood of his victims.

That said, Curio is the only one pushing through.

Even if the other 10,000 are called elites, they are still just humans. It’s only Curio who holds martial prowess beyond that of humans.

Even if they’re facing an enemy whose formation has collapsed, pushing through the enemy this far would still exhaust one’s body.

This is where they faced the United Army’s elite who had saved up their energy up until now.

The Rozel Army’s advance, even if for just a while, had stopped.

Just this is enough.

“The enemy has bought it! Push from both sides!!”

While recovering the collapsed formation, Bartolo orders a pincer against the Rozel Army.

In order to cover a stab wound, one must gradually fill in the hole with the surrounding flesh…..

And thus, this becomes good news for the United Army and bad news for the Rozel Army.

“I’ve been separated quite far from the battlefield, huh……If I return….I’ll be in a huge pinch huh.”

The United Army’s cavalry returned to the battlefield.

Even without waiting for orders, the United Army’s cavalry assaulted the Rozel Army from the rear.

Thus, the Rozel Army became surrounded in all directions.


“Fufu, I guess we’ll have to bring it out huh. Alright! Time to get really serious! Listen, men! We’ll give each man as much land and women as the number of Adernians he kills!! All the plunder one takes will also be his!! The one who manages to kill the enemy general Karon (TLN: he likes mispronouncing names; It’s Carlo btw, the nominal general.) will be made a prince! But then again, I’m also aiming for that reward so you better do it quick!!! Haha!”

Curio shouts will swinging around his sword.

Kill, kill, kill.

Blood, Blood, Blood.

Death, Death, Death.

Curio slowly becomes intoxicated with the smell of blood he had made himself.

His “Divine Protection of Berserk” begins to bare it’s fangs.

“Hahahahahahahaha!!! Die die die!!!”

While laughing crazily, Curio slaughters the United Army’s soldiers one by one but all that with a composed eye.

Gradually, the United Army’s elites are beginning to get pushed back.

And then, the madness spreads to the Rozel Army through the Divine Protection of Charm.

“Die die die!!”


“The enemy general’s head!!”

“Is mine!!!!!”

The Rozel Army is influenced by the madness and their vigor has increased in one fell swoop.

They aren’t stopping. No, they can’t be stopped. Such madness won’t stop.

That madness rejuvenates their physical strength and, in addition, their physical abilities, even if just temporarily, are also increased.

It’s truly just a small increase but……if you multiply that with the ten thousand present here, then “small” will turn to “big.”

Just like that, the Rozel Army pushes back the United Army’s elite.

And in one fell swoop, they draw near Carlo’s main encampment.

Tonino sees this and…..

“We’ve lost, huh.”

He calmly judges so.

However, you can clearly see in his hands the disturbance in his hands.

His fists are closed with fury.

His nails are biting down his flesh, causing blood to drip down.

“An urgent message from General Bartolo. He advises immediate retreat.”

“Is that so? I guess this time, I’m the superior, huh. Alright. We shall retreat immediately. Commence retreat!!”

As such, the United Army retreats.

The battle ends in a Rozel victory.

The United Army’s casualties number 3,000 dead, 4,000 wounded, and 3,000 deserters. The cavalrymen suffered 200 casualties.

The Rozel Army suffered 4,000 infantry dead. However, a huge part of that are battle slaves.

The prized main army suffered 400 dead with 500 wounded. One of the effects of the Divine Protection of Berserk was that the number of wounded was proportionally small compared to the number of dead.

While around 400 cavalry were lost, 600 were in good health.

Amongst the 50 war elphants, 20 were lost.

In other words, the United Army still has 10,000 infantry and a thousand cavalry for a total of 11,000 men.

On the other hand, the Rozel Army still has 9,100 infantry, 1,000 battle slaves and 600 cavalry for a total of 10,700 men and 30 war elephants.

Combined, both sides lost 14,600 men – dead, wounded, and deserted.

The numbers speak of the intensity of the battle.

“You’re so amazing, General Curio!!”

Anabella looks at General Curio with eyes of respect and admiration.

Curio replies while laughing heartily.

“It’s only natural! Who do you think I am? I’m the world’s greatest general, Curio!!”

“Well, this guy has moments of loss too you know. He had just spouted a huge lie in his speech…..”

Mari says while shrugging her shoulders.

There’s no such thing as invincible and undefeated generals. Normally, great generals are made by a slow cycle of winning and losing over and over again.

Naturally, the same goes for Curio.

“By the way, can I ask you one thing? Was the slave regiment really necessary? Wasn’t it better to have unleashed the war elephants from the very beginning?”

“Fufu, that’s a good question, Ms. Jinglebells!”

“……It’s Annabella. Or rather, only the ‘bell’ part jived, you know…..”

“Elephants have a weak point. Their legs are weak. They also can’t change directions easily. They can only advance on a straight line. They are weapons with a huge number of weaknesses. There’s a danger of failure if they directly charge a systematic army. Unfortunately, proxies also aren’t effective. That’s why we first softened the enemy’s formation with the battle slaves. ……The enemy’s general is much more excellent that we had anticipated. If we had hit them with the elephants first then there’s a possibility we’d get the tables turned on us.”

In reality, they had lost 20 elephants. Next time might be even worse.

“But still, the enemies getting stepped on by the elephants was quite the sight, huh. When we first encountered them in Gaul, our nerves were quite shaken by them but…..”

The original Rozel Kingdom didn’t have war elephants. They are a military unit used by a Gallic tribe in the northern areas of Gaul.

They had taken control of that tribe’s territory and subjugated them.

At present, in exchange for high levels of self-governance, the tribe supplies them with elephants and supplies for elephant handlers.

“Now then, Lady Barloom, I’ve set the stage. It’s your turn next, yes?”

“It’s Merlin. Roger. Well, it’s not like I have to do something specifically, you know.”

While sayings so, Mari hurriedly rides Elly and flies away into the sky.

“What do we do? Shall we engage in one more decisive battle?”

“……I think that’s pushing it. The soldiers are completely overwhelmed. For the meantime, we have no choice but to do siege battle. We’ll wait for reinforcements. Haa……after all that talk, we land on this mess.”

Bartolo lets out a sigh.

He then takes a swig of his liquor. In both times of merry and sorrow, liquor is his friend. Liquor is Bartolo’s life blood.

“We’ve miscalculated the intensity of Curio’s assault. Also the timing of the cavalry’s separation…..if only they had arrived sooner then….”

“Also, not having bomb spears probably hit us hard, huh. If only we had those spears then killing those fuzzies wouldn’t be that troublesome an affair.”

Bartolo and Tonino begin their reflection meeting.

Humans are beings that learn through failure.

This time couldn’t be helped. In order to achieve certain victory next time, they are reflecting now.

“Or rather, what are those beasts? They’re cheating you know.”

“……..Of all people, you’d say that. I dare say your bomb spears are much more of a cheat.”

They know all is fair in war but nevertheless one can’t help but speak out when they get hit with unconventional weapons.

In anycase, they will request countermeasures and reinforcements.

“For the meantime……why don’t we drink some liquor to raise the morale?”

“……..just admit that you just want to drink.”

Tonino quips back.

“Alright, we won!! We did it!! Thank you very much, Lady Merlin, Sir Curio!”

Aldo shakes the hands of Mari and Curio with great joy.

It’s as if him worrying about his life just a little while ago was a lie.

Right now, just a bit more and he’d be able to once again get back the crown he had let escape.

Aldo is in high spirits.

“Isn’t it gread, Lord Aldo.”

Alice also congratulates Aldo.

Thanks to Aldo being in a good mood, he won’t be hitting Alice. Therefore, for Alice, it’s also a happy thing.

However, contrary to her expectation, Aldo suddenly makes a sour expression. He determinedly walks towards Alice and hits her in the cheek.

She splendidly falls down, her ukemi barely making it in time.

“It’s King DeMorgal, right?”

“Yes, I’m very sorry, Your Majesty, King DeMorgal.”

When Alice corrected herself, Aldo returns to his jovial mood.

“Now then, Lady Merlin, Sir Curio, if you would excuse me.”

Aldo says his greetings and takes his leave.

Alice follows him but…


Mari calls her over and stops her.

“Why are you still serving him despite all these?”

“Hmm? I’m a slave. Isn’t it only natural that I follow my master?”

“But aren’t you always getting hit?”

“That’s because of my incompetence. As long as I do my job, I won’t get hit.”

Alice answers with a straight face. Mari makes a bewildered expression.

This time, Curio asks a question.

“If you’re interested…….won’t you come to Rozel? We’ll make you into a Centurion. With your birth, your true abilities as a commander will be questioned but……at the very least it’s much less objectionable than serving that man.”

“If I did that, then I’d get hit. I don’t like pain. I wont defy him.”

Alice clearly refuses.

Even though they told her that she won’t get hit if she goes to Rozel, Alice still replies that she can’t because it’s scary getting hit…..

It’s totally a mess.

What’s more terrible is that the person herself doesn’t seem to notice her inconsistencies.

“Is that so? I’m sorry for asking a weird question, okay?”

“Our bad. If you ever change your mind, don’t hesitate to ask us.”

Mari and Curio unanimously tells her.

Alice quietly gives a greeting and leaves.

After a little while, Aldo’s hysterical voice reverberates in the area.

This time, he’s angry that Alice is late.

“What do you think?”

“Even if you ask me…….even though she’s that strong, to think she’s that broken is…..we’ll I guess It depends on the person huh.”

Mari and Curio exchange glances and both give off a deep sigh.

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