Ocean Master

Chapter 323 - They Will Listen To Music!

"Please, do you know who sang these songs? I\'m interested in the music; I\'ll really love to know the artist who sang them".

"Oh, that\'s cute. Unfortunately, I don\'t know the original artist, sorry".

"That\'s ok, I\'ll keep on asking".

"Please, do you know who sang these songs? I\'m a huge fan already".

"I\'ve got no idea, big fella".

"Ok, small fella".

"Please, do you know who sang these songs?"

"Yes, of course. The original artists are the Rainbow Sky Music Club". A native clownfish proudly replied as he flexed his extensive knowledge to the shark.

"Umm, I mean the original songwriter".

The clownfish momentarily revealed a confused expression on its face after listening to Sebastian\'s strange inquiry. 

In its long life living in the music district of the residential zone, this was the first time that a music enthusiast has asked of the original songwriter of a song, this shark was indeed a weird one.

"Umm, about the original songwriter, I don\'t know much but I heard she has a mysterious identity in the Rainbow Sky Music Club. That\'s cool, right?"

"As I said, I really don\'t know much but if you\'re adamant to find her, I can help by giving you a recommendation clown coin". 

"I\'ve seen your love for music and it is refreshing, especially for a savage predator species like yours, it shows that there can be brightness and freedom in any predator\'s heart".

"For this encounter, I\'ll give you a recommendation clown coin free of charge". The proud clownfish was true to his words as he provided a recommendation clown coin to Sebastian the next moment before leaving.

The previous conversation didn\'t reveal much from the clownfish but Sebastian got what he wanted, the Rainbow Sky Music Club.

As soon as Sebastian combined all the clues and confirmed that this familiar music indeed originated from a fellow earthling, he immediately went to work on how to know more about the original songwriter.

The easiest way that he could think of to do this was asking around, and he did not hesitate to start asking around.

His mesmerizing display when subjected to the range of the previous music session appealed to several mutated beasts that also visited the music district.

Sharks, especially Great White Sharks were renowned for their ferocity and aggressiveness, suddenly meeting an exception of a shark like this who loved music was such an eyeopener that the spectators were highly impressed.

This display increased their positive impression of the shark. In their opinion, unlike the other barbaric sharks, this was a shark worth helping.

Most of the mutated beasts that Sebastian went to visit even if they didn\'t know the answer to his inquiries since his question showed to them that he was a real music enthusiast, all softened up.

They helped in any way that they could, providing information which was how Sebastian first knew about the Rainbow Sky Music Club.

This music club was the undisputed biggest music club in the music district. They\'ve created more songs, they had more artists, they had a bigger fanbase, and their history was the richest in the whole district.

All these already revealed to Sebastian that they were the best candidate to get his information from, and the native clownfish confirmed it.

The little problem was that not every predator could enter the biggest music clubs\' sea anemones. To enter, one needed a recommendation clown coin, and the coin needed to be approved before he could gain access inside.

Surprisingly, the native clownfish was generous enough to give Sebastian a recommendation clown coin that was worth 30 clown credits. This money was enough for him to extend his stay here in the clown city.

The generosity of every beast that he met was due to his genuine love for music, but not just that, it was because of his deliberate act.

Sebastian was of course mesmerized by the music, but not to that extent where he could lose control of himself so much. He deliberately played along with his emotions to present the best impression of a shark music enthusiast as possible.

The first reason for this was to gain the generosity of the beasts that spectated him, and the second reason was for his unique skill.

Recently, after trying hard to figure it out, Sebastian finally discovered a viable method to increase his origin law comprehension.

For over a month now, he\'s been thinking of why the dead Doppelganger and Invisibility Sea King was so fixated on obtaining only an ultimate inheritor who had a good affinity to acclimatizing to doppelgangers.

The last test of the inheritance turned every competitor into the opposite shadow of their real self, and they had to get used to it as fast as possible.

Sebastian didn\'t know the reason for this before, but now he knew. 

What if actively creating a doppelganger and trying to act exactly like the doppelganger species you created was the best way to increase the origin law comprehension of the doppelganger and invisibility unique skill?

Once Sebastian thought of this, he acted on it, and to his surprise, it worked. Though his origin law comprehension didn\'t just skyrocket to the next level, in his heart, he knew that he improved though slightly.

This also explained why the origin law comprehension of his new unique skill skyrocketed all the way to the initial stage just after he acquired it.

His first living doppelganger was an Atlantian since he already lived as a human before enabled him to embody the perfect Atlantian body, this was seen by the system as comprehending more origin laws of the doppelganger domain.

This was just one of the numerous cheats that he\'s been enjoying due to his secret status as a transmigrator of worlds.

Once he discovered this, he used the same rationale for the Water Transmutation unique skill. Due to his low mana quality before, his magic manifestation choices were highly restrained but now he could do more.

Since he started creating more myriad magic manifestations, he experienced a tangible increase in his origin law comprehension and he could feel it.

This was why even if he was not as fanatical about music as required, Sebastian still strived to act the part just to increase his origin law comprehension of the doppelganger domain of his unique skill.

Once Sebastian confirmed that the Rainbow Sky Music Club was his destination, he wasted no time before embarking on the journey.

The music district was fairly big, but not big enough for Sebastian to spend too much time and effort moving from one end of it to the other.

Sebastian needed only 2 minutes before he arrived at the headquarters of the popular Rainbow Sky Music Club. Housed inside the giant colorful sea anemone was the iconic music club.

This was where the real music of the music district happened.

Once Sebastian arrived, he was asked to join a row of waiting visitors. He had to wait for over 2 hours before it came to his turn and once, he did, Sebastian was devastated as his offer was rejected.

According to the clownfish music officials, it was impossible for sharks to love music and this was probably part of an elaborate scheme to sabotage the music club, they looked at him vigilantly like he was a terrorist.

Seeing the behavior of the 2 clownfish, Sebastian was frustrated. He understood their concerns, him of 6 months ago also wouldn\'t believe that a shark would love music but this frustrated him to no end.

He felt like biting the head of the 2 daring bright fish off but he restrained himself, he was currently inside enemy territory, he never forgot that.

He tried more ways to persuade the 2 clownfish but he was resolutely denied access, Sebastian felt like crying but no tears came.

All his dreams and expectations were about to be so nonchalantly washed away by some 2 mofo clownfish, he couldn\'t tolerate it.

As Sebastian was escorted out of the line by military clownfish, his brain geared into overdrive as he thought of a solution to his problem. He could not leave so nonchalantly, he had to remedy it one way or the other.

He was already this close to the ultimate prize, Sebastian felt indignant to leave like a failure, he had to do something.

As he thought, his eyes suddenly lit up as he remembered a famous quote from one of his favorite childhood cartoons.

"If they will not listen to persuasion, they will listen to music!"

[You have activated skill: Mega Sound Control.]

[You have created a sound construct: Guitar.]

[You have created a sound construct: Piano.]

[You have created a sound construct: Drum Set.]

[You have created a sound construct: Loud Speakers.]

"Senoras y senores".

"Buenas tardes, buenas noches".

"Buenas tardes, buenas noches".

"Senoritas ye senores".

"To be here with you tonight brings me joy, que alegria".

"For this music is my language, and the world es mi familia".

"For this music is my language, and the world es mi familia".

"For this music is my language"

"And the world es mi familia!!!"

"All music enthusiasts, sing with me!" Sebastian roared.

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