Ocean Master

Chapter 192 - The Mysteries Of Evolution [2].

"The second most important factor for the purple tier breakthrough is your physical core or qi".

"During your evolution to the white tier, I believe that you got the magic organ mutation. The magic organ is one, but it has 2 phases, one phase is the physical empowerment while the other is the material magic manifestation".

"The physical empowerment phase of the magic organ is the pivotal point that creates physical qi, but not the only point that creates it".

"As you evolve through the tiers as a predator, there is something referred to as qi which slowly develops alongside you".

"The modern era calls it the core, but the old era called it qi".

"Qi is an important aspect of the purple tier breakthrough".

"Qi is ethereal, it cannot be seen, it can only be felt. Of the numerous magic domains in Oceania, only one directly mobilizes the power of qi".

"The Mind or Soul magic domain".

"The Mind or Soul magic domain is one of the most bizarre and most powerful of the pinnacle advanced magic domains. Those who control qi control life, this quote from the Black Ruler, Crocodile Menace is not baseless".

"Accumulation of physical qi is a factor that influences the success rate of the purple tier breakthrough".

"If the physical qi is vast enough at the point of evolution attempt, you are one step into the purple tier".

"Now, on how to accumulate physical qi".

"As I said, the physical empowerment phase of the magic organ produces physical qi but it is not the only source of physical qi".

"Your body is the second-best source of physical qi".

"When you get an epiphany from the origin essence and create a physical skill, it serves as a source of physical qi. When you comprehend a bloodline physical skill, it serves as a source of physical qi".

"When you comprehend your innate race skills, these also serve as sources of physical qi".

"Apart from skills, it could also be gotten through adaptations".

"After getting epiphanies from the infinite origin essence, any adaptation that you create both during evolutions and normal living, they serve as sources of physical qi".

"Also, if you comprehend and successfully create an adaptation from your bloodline or any inheritance, they also serve as sources of physical qi".

"When I created my tongue adaptation, I remember feeling an extreme sense of satisfaction. This satisfaction was not just ordinary, it was an innate reaction of my body to the creation of physical qi".

"When I created my killer move skill with my tongue adaptation, I experienced what it felt like to feel qi for the first time in my life".

"It is a wonderful and otherworldly experience".

"The third important factor for the purple tier breakthrough is the magic qi".

"If your brain works, you may have already guessed it. Yes, the material magic manifestation phase of the magic organ is the pivotal point that creates magic qi".

"The magic qi requirement is of the same importance as the physical qi".

"Accumulation of magic qi greatly influences the success chances of evolution, perhaps even more than the physical qi".

"Your body is the second-best source of physical qi, while your magic domain is the second-best source of magic qi".

"It all takes the same precedence. When you create a magic domain skill, it serves as a source of magic qi".

"When you create an adaptation that is tightly tied to magic and your mana, it serves as a source of both physical and magic qi".

"During our battle, I noticed that you had the mana conductor coating adaptation. This is an example of a source of both physical and magic qi".

"The fourth most important factor that affects the purple tier evolution is the ever-present Origin Essence Magic".

"We originated from the origin, we received power from the origin, and back to the origin would we return after death".

"This summarizes all the factors of this significant evolution point".

"Now comes the steps during the evolution".

"Unlike previous evolutions where after accumulation, the process simply starts in a straightforward manner, the purple tier evolution is different".

"Only competent predators can cross this tier; this is a law of nature".

"To evolve successfully, you need to control 3 important things- your physical qi, your magic qi, and the origin magic essence that comes rushing in".

"The physical and magic qi is your foundation. When you\'re ready for the breakthrough before the transformation process starts, you need to pass the control test from nature".

"The purple tier is a dividing tier of predators with great significance".

"As soon as the process starts, the origin magic essence in that area will be formlessly and soundlessly stirred. Pure origin magic will pour into your body, this is where the test begins".

"Taking in primordial origin magic essence is dangerous, it can kill you".

"To curb this, it needs to be controlled and refined. Taking your foundation as a measure would determine the amount of origin magic that will pour into your body. And it is an age-old fact that the more the better".

"The more you can refine, the more your potential for future growth. This is a part where bloodline also plays a major role, it is a part of your foundation".

"As soon as the magic essence pours in, to control it, you need to mobilize your physical and magic qi. Due to the significance of this breakthrough, you will receive heightened senses where you can feel qi directly".

"With this, you mobilize your physical and magic qi. You carefully mix them together until it forms a firm mix of white and black, then the origin magic enters".

"This mix of white and black is the home of the origin magic, and after evolution, this is what crystallizes to form your magic core".

"Since the antiquity age, there are 5 cores but only one evolvable core. The only evolvable core is the magic core, the others exist in nature".

"The 4 natural cores are the longevity, strength, endurance, and luck core. The Origin Fish that you killed is a natural carrier of the longevity core".

Sebastian\'s eyes widened to the limits, he was lost for words and also suspicious. He had a lot of questions in his mind but he kept them temporarily.

"That is all that I know about the purple tier breakthrough".

"Without forming the mix of white and black, anything else means failure according to my knowledge".

It took Sebastian some good number of minutes before he finally calmed down. This information was too explosive to assimilate at a go, he was not sure how to react, this was more than he bargained for.

He didn\'t doubt anything that the old toad said, it was just too logical and astonishing to doubt, and at the same time, his system didn\'t object to it which was kind of a silent approval.

Despite this, he felt suspicious. At this point, he guessed that even Old Mak didn\'t know this much so why did the old toad tell him everything?

He could have told him just even a quarter of everything that he just learned, and Sebastian would have still believed while the toad walked away with a new magic weapon so why did he not?

Is it benevolence? Sebastian immediately doubted it, he and this toad were on bad terms till a few minutes ago.

He narrowed his eyes. "Why did you reveal so much information to me".

In the opposite cage, the old toad looked straight at Sebastian with eyes that now seemed respectful and fanatical, then to Sebastian\'s astonishment, he put all 6 of his legs down and formed a stance like that of kowtowing.

"It is my duty to do this, Ocean Master".

"What?" Sebastian\'s mind exploded.

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