Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 52 - 52. FUTURETEK

The next day, during breakfast, a fat package was dropped by the cute owl, Summer. She took her treats and went her way.

It was a package from Bobby. Magnus happily opened it and quickly found out why it weighed so much. It had books, related to college-level Physics and Math. There was also something new that he had never seen before. A book called "World of Computer Science," ​​

Magnus\'s eyes shined. This was the latest technology, the future of mankind. It would be best if he studies it to keep an edge on everyone else.

Then, there was the letter. He opened it and read it.


First of all, damn you. I had to clean my room after that last letter.

Now, to the normal talks. I have started at the new school. As you had told me, a group of bullies came to bully me. They were again, as predicted by you, were from the sports teams.

Although this school is for kids with high intellect, that for some reason, made some kids more of a bully. I have taken a few smart ones under my wing and protected them from the bullies. Dealing with them was not hard, I just went to the principal\'s office, gave him a written letter that if I even got a scratch because of another student then the school will be liable and named all the bullies in it. I also told them that I know people at the news station and the rival school and they would love some dirt on them.

Since then, all bullies fear me like the plague. Good thing they are smart to not mess with me. So, now I am running a group of 20 kids. Though all are older than me, they still consider me their senior.

Enough about school, I found about this new stuff called computer science, it is so interesting. I will be going to the IBM office in a few days to look at a computer myself. I believe that if this technology advances and becomes compact then its applications are limitless. Read the book and tell me what you think.

By the way, I have decided on what I want to do in my life. I will slowly strive to fulfil that dream of mine. I won\'t tell you that for now as it might sound childish to you. By the way, I saw your mom yesterday, she seemed tired and sick for some reason. Make sure you talk to her.

And also, send me something cool instead of some candies. I have grown up now, candies can\'t feed me. Take care now, stay away from girls though, they keep on sending me letters for some reason here, god I hate romance.

Your friend,

Bob... Ah, I need to stop calling myself Bobby.


[Letter Ends]

Magnus chuckled while reading the letter. But the line about his mother worried him a lot.

~I guess it is time to use my blood relation with the beardy old man. After all, unlike my Merlin and Arthur bloodline, Dumbledore really shares blood with my dad.~ He thought.

He packed his stuff back and got up from his seat.

"Where are you going?" Ragnar asked.

"To the Gryffindor table," Magnus replied.

*FOOOO...* Ragnar spat his milk.

"Why?" Snape asked.

"Why not? And it would make those zealots spit blood." Magnus pointed towards Lucius and his gang.

"Also, don\'t you wanna have a chat with Lily?" He asked Snape with a smug face.

Snape immediately got up, "Let\'s go, inter-house friendship is necessary."

"HAHA, okay." Magnus laughed.

Due to the commotion, everyone looked at him. They were confused about where he was headed. He passed by the Hufflepuff tables, then Ravenclaw table. When he reached the Gryffindor table, all the students got tensed.

Magnus went straight to Sirius. He was keeping an angry face with brows furrowed as if he was angry.

"What?" Sirius asked nonchalantly.

Magnus stayed silent and just stared at him angrily. After a while, Sirius noticed that everyone was looking at him.

"HEY!... What did I do?" He questioned.

"Hahaha..." Magnus laughed suddenly.

"Move it and give me some place to sit. I\'m gonna eat with my friend today. So what if you\'re in Gryffindor, it\'s all the fault of that old hat, it should be burnt and let go." Magnus said.

Sirius smiled widely and moved his ass to the side. On Magnus\'s left was Ragnar and on his right was Sirius. On his opposite side, there was James and Snape. Lily was on Snape\'s left, where other girls sat. She was very energetic and welcomed him happily.

Meanwhile, Sirius introduced his two more new friends. "This is Remus Lupin and that one is Peter Pettigrew. Remus is a straight-A student and Peter... well... he\'s trying."

Magnus shook their hands. "This one here is Ragnar, you know him probably."

Of course, Sirius knew about the family background of Ragnar and honestly felt bad for him. Sirius shook Ragnar\'s hand, "I might be a Black but I\'m not an arse like them."

"Heh... good to hear that. Any Black not in Slytherin must be better anyway." Ragnar replied.

"I heard you are interested in quidditch?" James spoke suddenly.

Magnus nodded, "Yeah, a little. Might try at the tryouts tomorrow."

James puffed out his chest, "Well, I already got selected as new Gryffindor\'s seeker."

"Is that so? Then don\'t mind me if I also become a seeker and beat you." Magnus said confidently.

"All challenges are accepted, I just know nobody can beat me." James proudly replied. He may not be as much trusting in his magical abilities, but quidditch was something else, it was like his white powder.

"Haha, wanna bet?" Magnus asked.

"What\'s at the stake?" James inquired.

"Your honour. Loser has to make a round of Hogwarts, in no clothes except an underwear of other one\'s choice. Also, the loser pays for the latest Nimbus 1500 for the whole winner\'s team." Magnus proposed.

Pin drop silence ensued on the whole Gryffindor table. Everyone looked at James\' face in anticipation, Sirius too. Today, James just realised that Magnus was a bastard of the highest order. He probably came here to do exactly this.

"So, do you accept this challenge or wanna wuss out?" Magnus asked with a scheming face.

~LOOK AT HIS FACE... THIS WAS A TRAP ALL ALONG...~ James cursed internally.

He looked at Sirius\'s face, in the hope of help. But Sirius shrugged his shoulders.

James gulped his saliva. If he agrees to it and loses, not only will he lose his money but also honour.

But he had no choice right now. He was a Gryffindor, a brave Gryffindor. He can not back down or he will be called a coward.


Magnus laughed, "Haha, okay then. All these people are our witnesses. Don\'t cry later if you lose."

Magnus calmed down now. He had done what he came to do. He looked at Sirius, "What are your cousin sisters doing these days? How is Regulus? He\'s coming to Hogwarts next year, right?"

Sirius nodded, "Well, the family is a mess. I\'m gonna get a beating when I go back. They hate Gryffindor. But I am very proud of Andromeda, she married a Muggle-born, Ted Tonks, a lawyer, against the family\'s wishes. Though she was disowned by the family. But my eldest cousin sister is super crazy, she married or we can say, sold off to the crazy fanatic Rodolphus Lestrange. My family wants to broaden their reach it seems."

As soon as Magnus, Ragnar and Snape heard that name, their faces turned to Serious.

"Ah, he\'s already a Death Eater, isn\'t he? Is your family also aligned with the Dark Lord? So, it is possible that in the near future, your cousin sister might attack me?" Magnus inquired.

Sirius was a bit nervous at the moment. "Eh, Magnus, you gotta understand. I do not align with them. They do not define me. And if she does attack you, kill her if you can. At least it will put her out of her misery. All kids of Black household are cruelly taught to be cruel since childhood. It did not affect me, but it did break Bellatrix\'s mind."

"I believe you, Sirius. You are in the clear. But, do not mingle with your family. It will only bring you more trouble." Magnus advised and got up to return to his seat.

Snape and Ragnar followed him back. Ragnar asked him, "So we will need to fight his family too?"

"Let\'s not talk about that for now. We are in 1st year for Merlin\'s sake. Let\'s just be kids while secretly getting powerful." Magnus said, and took seats at Slytherin\'s table.



Bobby was making the best out of his time. He was leading a team of young and aspiring students in his school. They all talked to him about the future prospects of science and it was certain that computers were going to be a big part of it.

So, he felt he should invest in it, by starting a company to study and make computer programmes or hardware. He knew the importance of getting into a business as fast as possible or else he will be left behind.

He talked to his team about this. All of them were very excited about it. But, he lacked funding for it. He asked the principal but was told that the school would only invest if they held a controlling stake in the startup.

Bobby said "no thanks" and ignored them completely. They tried to haggle with him to get at least a 10 per cent stake but he outright ignored them. All he needed, for now, was a computer system and a place to work. His team was ready to work for free until the company made money.

But, even combining all of his savings, he lacked money. So, he had only one option. He picked up the pen and started writing a letter to his dear friend.

"Mag, my brother. I have decided to set up my own company and name it "FUTURETEK". It will be related to computer tech. For now, I will be using free labour from other excellent students. But, even after gathering all my money, I lack a lot. I need to buy a computer system and need some funds.

"For the money you give me, I can give you the company shares. In the future, if the shares are not worth the amount I took, then I will pay the money back to you. I understand that we are best friends, but this is business and I will understand if you do not want to invest in it.

"I will await your reply,

"Your friend, Bo... Brandon. Ah, I still need to stop using my nickname."

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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