Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 19 - Don't Touch Me, I'm Famous

The next day, I came to school with my brother who didn\'t go away until he had sent me to the gates. Gwen was waiting for me there at the Academy entrance and she wasn\'t alone. Another girl was beside her who looks very familiar.

Isn\'t that…

"Hey," I greeted them as soon as I got close.

My eyes glanced at the black-haired beauty from yesterday. She was also staring at me so I gave her a friendly smile. .

"This is Beatriz," Gwen mentions, gesturing to her. "She said she wanted to tag along, is it okay?"

"Hello," Beatriz uttered while wearing that poker smile on her face. She kind of reminds me of Freesia, they\'re both cold beauties.

"Ah, it\'s fine! Hello~ Thank you for lending me your handkerchief yesterday," I said and beamed at her.

I then looked at Gwen in inquiry, wondering how they got to know each other. Seeing my questioning eyes, she explains.

Without batting an eyelid, "She\'s my fiance\'s younger sister."

I gaped at Gwen, feeling like she had grown two heads all of a sudden.

What? A fiancé?

"You\'re engaged?" I asked, looking incredulous.

Ah right, this is a time period where engagement happens at a very early age. I shouldn\'t be shocked by this information but I can\'t help it!

Gwen fidgets and looks down, "Yes…" She mumbles in an almost whisper-like voice but I heard it nevertheless.

How come she didn\'t tell me about it? She never once mentioned a single word regarding her supposed fiancé.

Well whatever, it\'s not a big deal anyway.

My eyes peered at Beatriz who was silent throughout our conversation and found her staring at me in earnest. I blinked at her and then she averted her eyes.


The three of us walked inside, and that\'s when my company grows one more person. We both started going altogether during the academy days. I got to know that Beatriz doesn\'t talk that much but when she does, she\'s very straightforward. Her words sometimes are like knives cutting you where it hurts the most.

I remember that one time when we had a little banter with Rosamunde\'s squad. She told them off in a very harsh and honest way that even I got hurt just from hearing it, albeit the fact that it wasn\'t directed to me.

She\'s friendly with us though…

After a week or so, I had noticed one weird thing. A lot of students would always gather around whenever we are in the picture and would sometimes see them looking bizarrely at us while whispering.

I brushed it off thinking that Rosamunde or those four little bitches had thrown another odd rumor about me.

Then it got to the point where we were walking along the hallways and they would literally part like the ocean and gaze at us with that weird looks they\'ve been giving. It makes me apprehensive that I might have a very nasty reputation right now. No one had come off to my face even if I was sincerely waiting for it.

"Good Afternoon Miss Nadia," A group of girls greeted me.

"Good Afternoon," I replied and gave them a genuine smile.

The girls suddenly started panicking and were gushing with each other, looking like excited children.


"Oh my gosh! She greeted us!" One of them exclaims while the rest squealed.

Gwen noticed my scrunched forehead and chuckled.

"Apparently, you are very famous right now," She declared.

"For what reason?" I inquired and tried surveying our surroundings. All of them were looking in our way and were smiling so I turned to the two girls with me.

"You have a fan club," Beatriz mentions.

My head jerked up in her direction, "A what?"

"It\'s called Admirers of Nadia faction and they\'re mostly noble girls," Gwen affirms.

Huh? When did such a thing happen?

I suspiciously looked at them, "Why? How did that happen?"

"Because you\'re popular now! They are also greeting me with respect you know!" Gwen says looking proud.

I blinked at them in confusion, "Eh?? That sounds stupid. Why do I get admirers just for that? I mean yeah, I\'m pretty but that\'s just appearances right?"

Gwen looked at me, mystified. Like she couldn\'t believe I just uttered that.

"Wow, you seriously said that…"

"It\'s true though? If you say I am not, then you\'re lying."

She responded with a snicker, "Well, I am not saying you\'re not but coming directly from your mouth, it makes me want to deny it."

"Oh shut up," I mumbled.

Beatriz then gestured to the group of girls from earlier with her eyes.

"Ask them."

"What? No way!" Looking indignant, I gazed at Gwen in question instead, she might tell me the reason.

Gwen smirks, "I\'ll ask them for you then—Hey you!"

The group from earlier turned towards us, "Yes, Miss Gwen?"

"Are you all members of Nadia\'s faction?"

My face flushed beet red at what she\'s saying and tried to make myself look smaller and hoped that I would blend in the background.

"Yes!" The girls exclaim with adoration in their eyes.

What the heck…

Gwen prodded even more, "Why?"

One of them from earlier who gushed from my greeting answers.

"I admire Miss Nadia\'s tenacity!"

"I want to be as classy as Miss Nadia!" Another one chimes.

"She is my role model! I hope I could be as marvelous as her," One girl expresses her feelings by sighing while looking at me.

Gwen thanked them and returned to us, smiling widely.

"There you have it."

I was rendered speechless.

It seems that I had gained a fan base without my knowledge and it was quite big. Why do I say that? Because Beatriz just mentioned it to me the next day. She actually asked her brother to gather information about the fan clubs within the Academy and I ended up to be the most famous noble lady in the entirety of the school.



"You guys want to hear something informative?" Conrad declares as soon as he entered the Council room.

The three people inside looked at him, wondering what he\'s up to while the prince remained busy.

Eon bobbed his head, he couldn\'t talk because he was munching on something and his mouth is currently full. Luther just stared at him with question marks written all over his face and Nathan, looking like a stone as always, didn\'t even utter a word.

Taking all of these as a sign of yes, he brought out a missive.

"This is the current situation of the fan clubs right now. My sister actually asked for this and I find it really interesting," Conrad mused.

"Waff ish it?" Eon asks, looking very impatient while still chewing his food.

He then raised the missive in the air, "According to the information I gathered, the entire student body is currently divided into three newer factions. 30 percent are Rosamunde Vinea\'s supporters, 50 percent are team Nadia, and the rest are neutrals."

Ezekiel, who was reading some reports, instantly glanced at Conrad.

"Is that true?"

"Well, I am the one who collected these data so yes?"

Eon gulped his food down and almost choke on it.


"That\'s quiet the feat! She made half of the population in favor of her." Luther\'s head tilted to Nathan, "Your sister sure is something."

Nathan didn\'t reacted much but he looked a little less like a statue now which made them snickered inwardly.

"Then we have no problem in choosing a first-year candidate right?" Eon points out.

Ezekiel hummed and nodded, "Then Nadia would be the first year\'s representative. Only one person left then."

Conrad grins at Nathan, "If she accepts, she would be staying here at the council room Nathan."

"Hmph," Was only the latter\'s response.

\'I could practically see in his slight behavior that he is happy with it. Why must he be acting like some cool person?\'

"Ah, but Duke Vinea\'s daughter also has the masses\' approval. Then does that mean that we have to add her too?" Luther stated.

Eon lets out a chuckle, "Does that mean we get to see their skirmishes up close? They don\'t get along that well right?"

Silence pervaded the room while they all contemplated inside their minds. If they\'re both selected for the council seat, then there would always be tension, and that might disrupt their duties.

Warring officers leaves undesirable results.

"Tch. Even in the Academy, Vinea is still like a dog licking our boots," Nathan suddenly croaked, "As it should."

All of them gawked at Nathan who looked rather smug right now.

"Then we just need to select a male student then," Ezekiel suggests which then made the people inside nods in agreement.

"That would prevent unwanted banter," Conrad commented as he joined the three guys at the sofa.

Eon, who was feeling foolish, let out a remark.

"Does that mean we get to have a female in our ranks now? A sole female?"

Conrad and the others widened their eyes at Eon.

\'The hell is this guy saying again!\'

Nathan\'s demeanor suddenly darkened which made Ezekiel face palmed himself.

\'He really can\'t shut his mouth with these stupid things he kept on saying.\'

In all seriousness and while glowering at Eon and the others, he made a statement.

"If you touch my sister, you\'re dead."

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