Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 15 - Learning About Magic But Not In Hogwarts

It\'s a miracle that we had finally arrived at our destination without further delays, except for those two groups earlier. I was getting really tired of it. One more, and I\'ll seriously blow my top off.

I just can\'t seem to have a peaceful day today…

"Look at this place, so big!" Gwen muttered at my side as she gazed around the room.

My eyes roamed around as well.

"It really is…"

The Academy Library was big, bigger than our mansion\'s study room. Now that I\'m thinking about it, I haven\'t visited the study again after the first time. I\'m either at the backyard bugging Nathan or in the kitchen baking and making a mess.

There were rows and rows of bookshelves on the east side, while tables and chairs occupied the west.. Some students were also gathered here, reading books.

Well duh, this is a library. What are you supposed to do here?

Gwen and I went to the book section about magic which was on the farthest corner of the library. My eyes caught one book, it looks really old and wrinkly. I could already tell that this section isn\'t that popular.

I wonder why…

Gwen picks up one book and coughed when clouds of dust came off.

"These books are old as hell!"

I shushed her. Even here, her voice is still loud. She made an oops face and grinned at me.

"Why does no one visits this part? They don\'t want to know about magic? I mean, magic is cool, right?" I mumble, staring at the rows of books in front of us.

The magic section only has a row, and they were all old. I\'m pretty sure these are outdated as well.

Squinting at the several tomes, my eyes then spotted one particular book which looks like it\'s still in good condition, so I plucked it. Golden words in cursive were written on the front, \'Histoire de la Magie\'.

"This one looked a lot better than the rest," I showed it to Gwen who was dusting off one other book. It was really big…

"You\'re seriously going to read that?" My eyes stared at it. She can\'t even lift it properly and she\'s still taking it with her.

Gwen glanced at me and innocently blinked. "It\'s the empire\'s history!"

I sighed, "Fine," then helped her hold it.

We situated ourselves at the nearest table that we saw and put the books down. Gwen immediately opened hers, brimming with excitement. I looked at the book in my hand for a while, admiring the cover before flipping the pages open.

There were things written in the book that I have no clue what they were. It didn\'t really clarify what happened to the magical abilities of people, and to why it disappeared. It just said that a magician did something and then everyone became normal, except for the royal family.

Magia Regis was mentioned, but there\'s no further explanation after that. I\'m even more confused now…

"This is so boring," Gwen mumbles at my side as she aimlessly flicks through the pages.

I eyed her, "You were really eager earlier, now you\'re saying it\'s boring."

She dropped her chin onto her palm and closed the book.

"All I see are names and dates. I got dizzy reading it…"

I let out a small chuckle and closed my book as well.

"It\'s called history for a reason. What do you expect? A picture book?"

Gwen looked at me and frowns, which made me snicker even more.

"Let\'s just return this and go home," I stated and stood up.

It was getting late anyway. Nathan might be looking for me now…

"Okay," she mumbles and picked up the book with difficulty.

I sighed for the second time and helped her with it.


I woke up the next day with a severe headache. This is the first time ever since I got transmigrated here to experience migraines. I was not ready…

Though it\'s true that I always have headaches even from before, but I didn\'t know that it would still happen to me up until here.


My palms clutched my head and grimaced. My face scrunched up in pain, as I tried to fight the onslaught of tiny pinpricks that attacks my brain. I hate it when this happens!

"Are you alright milady?" Erin inquired as she walked closer to the bed.

Without looking at her, and while still grasping my head, I waved a hand.

"It\'s fine. Actually, no. Can you give me some medicines for headaches, please…"

I felt her shifting before she went away to fetch me some meds and I sat there in the middle of my big bed. I feel like crying.

She wasn\'t gone for long and was back after some time with a glass of water and a vial in her hands.

"Here, milady," She offered.

I took it and oh boy, the medicine sure is bitter. I felt like my headache went away due to the medicine\'s bitterness and not because it\'s effective…

Seeing my grimace, Erin held out one of her hands. "Candy?"

"Yes please," I mumbled and gladly received it.

When I sensed that my migraine is slowly receding, that\'s where I stood up and stretched.

I glanced at Erin who was waiting at the side and smiles.

"I\'m going to the study room today. Tell them not to come and disturb me unless there\'s a fire or a war going on."

Blinking, Erin answers, "Yes milady."

After bathing, I went to the study room straight away, with a mission. Because I wasn\'t satisfied with what I read yesterday and had only given me more questions, I was going to camp in here until I know everything.

"Hmmm," My eyes surveyed the wall, trying to find anything that is related to magic.

It wasn\'t futile, because there\'s also a section dedicated to books about magic. Feeling delighted, I grabbed everything that I saw, got myself comfortable, and started reading.

My eyes widened in wonder as I read further.


Apparently, there was a really big event that caused the magic to dwindle. The magician, which is really not a magician but a king, was Solomon. He was one of Magia Regis kings and the Tower of Mage\'s founder.

Magia Regis is a group composed of powerful mages, and they are called Kings of Magic.

It appears that most people can use magic before and it was widely exploited. Because a lot of powerful magic wielders exists, there were constant conflicts that eventually lead to wars. It had caused quite a calamity amongst humans who can\'t use magic and a lot of them died after being thrown between two warring factions.

Thus, Solomon appeared out of nowhere and locked everyone\'s abilities, with some exceptions.

\'This is the will of my master,\' were his exact words.

Only the people from a royal bloodline and those of deities\' direct descendants can wield it.


I didn\'t notice how many hours had passed, but just then, the door to the room opened. I looked up and saw Nathan coming in with George tailing behind him. He sat on the sofa while George arranged the table and started putting down some plates of food.

Nathan looked at me with a blank expression on his face.

"You\'ve been here since morning and they said you skipped lunch."

I awkwardly let out a small laugh, "I forgot the time. Why are you here?"

There was a short silence before he finally answered.

"… I\'m eating here."

I tried to stop myself from raising my eyebrows at him. In the study? Why would he eat here?

"… Oh," I mumbled.

My eyes peered at George who had finished preparing the table and was now standing at the side. He was, as usual, unreadable so I couldn\'t possibly ask him.

Nathan cleared his throat and cast a sideways glance at the indifferent butler. George saw this and immediately bowed before leaving the room.

"I can\'t finish all of these," He stated and looked away.

My lips twitched as a ghost of a smile appeared on my face. He could just tell me directly that he\'s worried. He seriously does weird things at such great lengths…

Whatever, he\'s a tsundere so can\'t help it then.

"I\'m actually feeling hungry. Let me have some~"

I joined him on the sofa and we started eating in silence which wasn\'t awkward but a comfortable one.

"I\'ve heard you had a headache this morning," Nathan mentions, breaking the silence.


"So it happened again. I thought it was gone now," he says nonchalantly and I looked up to him.

"Again?" I repeated, looking surprised.

Nathan sees my confused expression and frowns.

"You always had one before and you would constantly throw tantrums when your head hurts."

There was a long uncomfortable silence before I started changing topics.

"I\'m actually reading about magic. Do you know anything? Can you tell me?"

Nathan puts down his teacup and stared at me in all seriousness. Geez…

"Magic exists, but not everyone can do it," He started. "-Those who have access with it are only from royal bloodline or a descendant."

I nodded as I listen to his talking. I already knew about that so I waited for more and remained silent.

"Windsor, the imperial family, have the blessings of the Sun God, Luminus."

"How about Herman? Can we wield magic?" My eyes sparkling in interest.

Nathan\'s head tilted to the side.

"Herman isn\'t a direct descendant but have some blessed blood running in our veins. Sons of Herman lineage always inherit the same ability of our forefathers, and that is our swordsmanship."

One of the sides of his lips lifted into an arrogant smirk.

"That\'s why we would always be generals."

He looked so satisfied with himself that I can\'t help but feel shocked. You\'re really looking kind of smug, brother.

"Mother, is a di Angelo, but I don\'t know anything about their history," He stated while his brows knitted slightly.

A di Angelo…

In retrospect, I really have no clue what to feel every time I am being reminded by the dead Marchioness. It\'s mixed and confusing…

"If you want to know more about magic and maybe about di Angelo family, you can visit the tower. The archives must have recorded everything there is to know. I would accompany you," Nathan declares.


Tower of Mages?

That same tower where Janus is at?

No way! I won\'t go!

Just thinking about seeing him in person, the very same mage who killed the novel\'s Nadia, using some nasty voodoo magic, I\'m already getting scared.

An awkward, and maybe, slightly terrified laugh escaped my mouth as I shook my head so hard, I almost gave myself whiplash.

"It\'s fine! What you said is enough!"

I\'m not ready to face my death yet, okay.

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